Afro Cuban & Haitian
with live music
with live music

Susana's classes include an invigorating warm-up and instruction in traditional Afro-Cuban folkloric genres, including Orisha styles and secular dances of Cuba. With live drumming.
With Live music
Join us in a new class steeped in the African Diaspora from the Caribbean nation of Haiti. With elements of traditional West African Dance, Afro-Haitian dance has greatly influenced the modern dance world, largely through the research and exposure of the legendary Katherine Dunham. Laure breaks down the technique and explains the origins and meaning of the movement and its accompanying rhythm. The result is a refreshingly active dance experience and an enlightening cultural experience.
This athletic dance form is perfect for dancers of all backgrounds and levels. This high energy class welcomes anyone with a passion to move, so no dance experience is required.
In this class, students will discover the beauty of Haitian Folkloric dance through a lively torso, pelvis and leg movements accompanied by strong rhythmic live drumming.